Imagine this: You’re napping for a few minutes, okay, maybe for an hour (hey, I’m old). Suddenly, the sound of a text message awakens you. You calmly look at the text, expecting someone to ask if you’re going to the town hall this afternoon (you are, or instead, it was your plan). The text reads, “EMERGENCY MESSAGE YOU ARE REQUESTED TO LEAVE YOUR HOME FOR A FIRE IN HORSESHOE BAY FROM POLICE.” (Grammar is unimportant when the message is scary) You start thinking about your exit and wonder how much time you have to get out of Dodge, so you run upstairs to the upper deck. You see a LOT of smoke over the tops of the trees but no fire. You figure you might have a little time to gather your thoughts and decide what’s essential to take with you. Your most critical possessions are by your side. Your dog and your daughter’s dog matter in those few moments of deciding what to take and leave behind. You race back upstairs, throw on some makeup (hey, I’m a woman, and a woman has her prioritie...