Driving down the toll road from the Ft Lauderdale airport to my former next-door neighbor's house recently brought happy anticipation mixed with sadness. It had been almost 4 years since I drove in South Florida. It was my first time back since retiring and moving to another state. Each mile brought a particular memory of the 12 years I had spent in the area. I wanted to see dear friends I badly missed and one adored friend lying in a coma. Little did I know then that she would die shortly after I told her goodbye one last time. I thought about other friends I would not see because they had died in the past three years. Had I known that I would not be seeing them again in this lifetime, I would have hugged them a little tighter and expressed gratitude to them for being in my life. My former neighborhood is unchanged, but the surrounding area, once part of the Everglades decades ago, is filled with new housing developments, golf courses, and businesses. People have replaced al...