Unsurprisingly, I remain passionate about those detained or expelled at the border who fled their countries because of violence and poverty. I do not doubt that most of us would do the same, even those with the misguided view that everyone crossing the border is a murderer, rapist, or drug dealer. We fail to realize that those trafficking drugs wouldn’t be doing so if there wasn’t a massive demand for illegal drugs in the US. There are no easy answers. My focus has always been on families and unaccompanied children asking for asylum. The drug runners are our fault, so until we get a handle on the demand from our fellow citizens, it will continue and have a ripple effect in Mexico and other Central American countries where the drug cartels are ruling with guns. Many of their weapons come from the US. I made several trips to the border from 2017 through January 2020 after raising money for Angry Tias and Abuelas. This outstanding organization provides aid to families a...