We all grew up in a small town in the Panhandle of Texas, about 55 miles northeast of Amarillo. I hadn't seen most of them for 50 years and some as long as 55 years, but I was game to meet fellow Blackhawks for dinner in Austin this past weekend. I was somewhat apprehensive, as I wasn't part of any clubs or cliques in high school, nor was I part of the "in-crowd." The folks invited to the dinner were the popular kids in school. The thought of meeting them for a meal would have never entered my mind 50 years ago, but it was probably something I longed for. It's only speculation on my part, as too much time has passed. We had approximately 40 girls in my class, and I was one of the few girls not invited to join a social club. In retrospect, I'm confident my father would not have allowed me to accept an invitation, so it didn't matter. I participated in a variety of high school activities. I took journalism and published a weekly column in the local new...