Yesterday, a friend, who had recently read my book, called me a "risk-taker." I thought about that label for about half a minute and knew he was spot-on. Immediately, I began to recall my solo trips to large cities when I was much younger and as clueless about my safety as I am now. The streets of Manhattan were well-known to me in my 30's and 40's. It wasn't unusual to enjoy a late dinner with colleagues and walk ten blocks or so to my hotel––by myself. For over a decade, there were cities all over this country and Europe where I would behave similarly, but I was young and foolish. I continue to be a risk-taker. Recently, I organized a march for gun reform in the town of Llano. Llano is the deer hunting capital of the world. Gun lovers hate liberals because they fear we're out to take away their guns. Heaven-forbid if bump stocks are ripped away from the cold hands of the average hunter. After all, they are a must for killing deer, especially if you...