In my early 20s, I was easily impressed and wanted all the trappings of success. I was a college student, working nights while attending classes during the day and poor as a church mouse. I needed incentive to continue with an exhausting schedule. As I was heading to class after working all night, I saw a woman driving a Mercedes. On her lap was a beautiful dog hanging outside her window, capturing air in his mouth while his long, white hair was blowing in the wind. That image propelled me to finish a third degree and enter into a career that would enable me to afford a Mercedes and a Maltese. While I never became wealthy, I did all right and eventually enjoyed several Maltese dogs and one Mercedes. After owning the Mercedes for 10 years, a boyfriend coveted it, so I sold it to him for a handsome price. My last two dogs have been mixed breeds. I haven't been interested in appearing wealthy for years and happily drove a 2012 Prius until recently. Not surprisingly, my first dog as an...