I never considered myself poor when I was growing up until a former high school classmate mentioned recently that she didn't realize she had been poor as a child until she was an adult. Our small community consisted of identical houses adjacent to a petroleum plant. All our fathers worked in the plant. There was a school for grades one to twelve, a grocery store, a post office, dry cleaners, and a gas station. While her comment gave me pause for a minute, I still don't have the same perception of our childhoods. We didn't have everything we wanted, but we all had everything we needed. Most of our fathers had been in WWII and eagerly accepted jobs at the petroleum company plant when the war was over. We lived in houses provided by the company that sat on land owned by a local rancher. I was in middle school when the company allowed employees to buy homes. I wonder if it was a good deal or if families had a choice, as the land the houses sat on still belonged to the r...