Reiki was developed in Japan in 1922 by Dr. Usui as an alternative form of medicine to reduce stress and promote healing through light touch, which transfers energy from the practitioner to the individual. Although I had heard of Reiki in the past, I had never experienced it personally. When I managed a rehabilitation hospital for those with recent strokes, amputations, head injuries, etc., I was contacted by a group of people who practiced Healing Touch, a similar treatment method. I agreed to let them use my hospital to train practitioners. We were cautious in introducing this to patients, as they were required to consent. Most patients were open to Healing Touch and reported feeling better and more relaxed after the sessions.

I consider myself open-minded and wanted to give Reiki a try. A close friend has a daughter named Heather Elizabeth, who has her own Reiki practice. Heather Elizabeth is a licensed master's level social worker but found traditional psychotherapy methods ineffective. She has studied many forms of alternative medicine, including Reiki, Shamanism, and ancient Mayan practices, to name just a few. Heather Elizabeth is the founder of SHINE, a movement that facilitates transformational experiences for humanity. When I first met her a year ago, I immediately felt the light radiating from her. I have rarely felt that kind of presence when I meet someone new. After talking to Heather Elizabeth for a few minutes,  I could feel joy and peace pouring out from her.   I wanted to be like her. While I feel euphoric around my grandchildren, most of my time is spent in neutral, with long periods of feeling stressed and foolishly worrying about things that are a waste of time.

Heather Elizabeth's place of practice is a converted garage transformed into a sanctuary near Lake Travis in Austin. A big comfy sofa with plenty of pillows envelopes you as you start conversing with Heather Elizabeth. Her sweet cat lovingly snuggles next to you. Heather Elizabeth explains Reiki and chakras. Chakra is an old Sanskrit word that means wheel. The life force inside you is spinning and rotating. The seven chakras are the centers in our bodies through which energy flows. Blocked energy in our bodies can lead to illness. I must have several areas of blocked chakras, as I have intermittent back pain and stomach issues. Fortunately, I rarely have pain associated with the herniated discs in my back, but when I've done something stupid like lifting heavy objects, I'm out of commission for at least 7 months. When your career has been in rehabilitation, you learn first-hand that surgery and pills don't cure everything. In fact, I avoid both like the plague. I was ready for long-term healing through the use of alternative methods.

I had scheduled the appointment unknowingly on Dia de Los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead. Heather Elizabeth had an altar in her sanctuary with many candles, pictures of people who had died, and the food they might have favored. She invited me to light as many candles as I wished to honor those who had passed away. I illuminated the candles and prayed for my father, who died three years ago, and Jack (the love of my life), who died 19 months ago.  

Heather Elizabeth invited me to lie down on the massage table. She led me into a trance-like state of relaxation and then applied a light touch in several places. I felt intense energy and warmth when she reached the top of my head and the spot between my eyebrows. The crown chakra is the highest and represents our connection spiritually. The third eye chakra represents our ability to focus on and see the big picture. When she placed a small coin-like object between my eyebrows, I began envisioning myself as a little girl. In my dream-like state, the community where I lived was full of people who loved me and demonstrated that love by giving me many hugs as I walked through the town. This made me immensely happy. Shortly after, I envisioned my father and Jack conversing with each other. They weren't in their bodies but were more like floating beings above us. Jack and my father remarked that the two were bookends to the pain I had suffered in my life. My father regretted the physical and emotional pain he had caused when I was a child. Jack told my father that he felt remorse for the pain he had caused me several years ago. They both agreed that I didn't deserve any of it. 

I felt no warmth or energy when she lightly touched my midsection. I learned I was blocking this energy because of a long-standing and misguided need for self-protection. This area is called the Solar Plexus Chakra and represents our ability to be confident and control our lives.

There's no doubt I need to learn more about Reiki and chakras. I discovered from researching the subject that it's scientifically unproven. Nevertheless, I believe in the power of touch. By thinking that something will make your life better, you will naturally improve--and research has proven this by giving patients placebos for their illnesses. Some people will get better when they think the pill they are being offered will heal them.

As I drove home, I thought about my time at SHINE. A disturbing letter from a close relative awaited me on my return home. For the first time in over six decades, I responded to her in a way that respected her but set boundaries for how I wanted to be treated. There are no accidents. Everything that happened to me on that day was for a reason. What was different was how I reacted to the relative by taking care of myself. I don't know what's ahead for me, but on El Dia de Los Muertes de 2018, I have a sense of freedom that's been missing for a long time-- maybe forever.


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