
Showing posts from January, 2022


I've lived in many places and learned many years ago that moving all my possessions only weighed me down. Leaving furniture in several cities where I lived and buying the latest furnished house suits me. The current furniture collection will be left for the next owner of this abode. I've mastered letting go of most things, not living and even some living things, which means I've been alone most of my adult life! Books are usually given away as soon as they are read. I won't reread them because it would take me many lifetimes to devour the excellent literature available now and in the future. Besides, what better way to show love than to give someone a book you've enjoyed and know they will, too? A few years ago, a wildfire was coming perilously close to my house. The local authorities imposed mandatory evacuation. After seeing smoke rising above the trees across from my residence, I packed everything I needed in a hurry. My most loved possession in the house ...


  Yesterday, the wind was gusting to 50 mph.  It was a blustery, unpleasant day to be outside.  We were driving on a backroad near Georgetown when my six-year-old grandson looked up and exclaimed, “A bird is struggling in the sky!”  As we sat at the light watching the bird make no progress with his wings flapping furiously against the wind, we kept screaming at him to turn around. The bird was very determined to continue fighting the headwind but going nowhere.  We wondered if his little body would not survive the strain of fighting the wind and fall from the sky.  Finally, he flew sideways to the nearest power line to rest after his struggle, and we drove away with the satisfaction that the bird would fly for another day.   Later that day, my thoughts drifted to the little bird that fought the wind bravely but finally surrendered.  I thought about all the years I’ve tried to make a difference by working with like-min...