Mrs. Vassar passed from this life recently. Between the tears, I can't stop thinking about her and her influence on my young life. Her daughter told me last year that her mother had dementia. It's hard to imagine her with dementia after remembering her as a vibrant, intelligent, and beautiful young teacher. Heck, it's even harder to realize she's no longer walking this earth. After her daughters were in school, she pursued a teaching degree. It couldn't be easy driving back and forth to the nearest four-year college over 100 miles a day, coming home to take care of children and do all the work expected of a mother and wife. When Mrs. Vassar finished student teaching, she agreed to be the English teacher for high school juniors. Our school only hired the best teachers. She must have felt honored yet apprehensive about taking her place in our classroom. I'm still in awe that a new teacher would have the bravery to take on 16-year-olds! Mrs. Vassar held her own wi...