I recently finished reading the book Russian Roulette , written by two veteran investigative reporters. The book was a detailed and well-researched description of how members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to influence the outcome of our recent Presidential elections. It should be required reading for anyone glued to Fox News. Russia's hacking into various entities in our country has been occurring for a long time. There's no doubt that we are engaging in the same activities. The end of the USA won't be from troops landing on our shores or from a nuclear blast; it will be the systematic and successful hacking into our infrastructure. Apparently, Russia is better at it than we are. They now have the President they want sitting in the Oval––a man who has been compromised from shady financial dealings with Russian oligarchs for many years. It's almost like we've put out a "Welcome to the USA" cyber sign and allowed them to come on in and make th...