Cohen will testify today that Trump is a liar and cheat. Despite clear evidence of Trump's crimes, Trump and his mobsters will call Cohen a liar. Trump's brainwashed base will believe Trump. Folks, those people are lost. I do not bother engaging with any supporter of the lying mobster-in-chief. Those who support him are easily led by hucksters and false prophets who claim "God sent Trump to be President." (What absolute drivel--I can hear marbles rattling around in the heads of people who buy that outrageous statement.) Others support him because he's their "useful idiot," i.e., tax breaks for the wealthy. Ironically, none of those supporters are in the top 1%! The Republicans in Congress support him because they are in bed with Russian money via NRA through campaign contributions. They won't investigate Trump, and they won't pass any gun laws. Trump appeals to the Evangelicals/Anti-choice people because he's appointed judges to court...