Cohen will testify today that Trump is a liar and cheat. Despite clear evidence of Trump's crimes, Trump and his mobsters will call Cohen a liar. Trump's brainwashed base will believe Trump. Folks, those people are lost. I do not bother engaging with any supporter of the lying mobster-in-chief. Those who support him are easily led by hucksters and false prophets who claim "God sent Trump to be President." (What absolute drivel--I can hear marbles rattling around in the heads of people who buy that outrageous statement.) Others support him because he's their "useful idiot," i.e., tax breaks for the wealthy. Ironically, none of those supporters are in the top 1%!
The Republicans in Congress support him because they are in bed with Russian money via NRA through campaign contributions. They won't investigate Trump, and they won't pass any gun laws. Trump appeals to the Evangelicals/Anti-choice people because he's appointed judges to courts who want to control women's bodies, thus perpetuating the white man's rule. If a woman has been supported by her parents and husband all her life, she will likely support Trump (to protect her financially dependent interests). These people will continue supporting him despite Trump's claims that he can grab women by their private parts at will. They may even dream of Trump grabbing theirs! (We've all seen the big, bleached-hair older women with tee-shirts proclaiming, Grab Me by my P***y. Go figure!) The liar-in-chief appeals to bigots, racists, and misogynists. More importantly, he could care less about his foolish base--in fact, he laughs at them and calls them stupid! I don't believe the Mueller report will save us from the pervasive evilness in Washington, DC, and Russia. The world's oligarchs have the US and many other countries in the palms of their hands. tRump is a wannabe oligarch and has welcomed Russia into our country with open arms. I can hear Putin laughing his ass off.
What can we do? Keep our eye on the ball. We must vote out every sitting Republican. They are all fascists being ruled by Trump/Putin/Oligarchs. We are patriotic Americans and must save our country by getting out the vote of still rational people, which I believe remains the majority. We must ignore the vileness of the Republicans when they call us "baby killers" or socialists. We must ignore them when they say we want to take their guns and want open borders. We must ignore them when they claim rapists and criminals from South America are invading our country. Our real fear should be white supremacists, domestic terrorists, the resurgence of the KKK and Nazis, and their love of guns--the bigger, the better (to compensate for tiny brains and penises). We must ignore them when the "good Christians" of the Republican Party state that children should be separated from their parents and incarcerated because their parents should have never sought asylum. Meanwhile, they claim "pro-life" (what hogwash!). Republican supporters of Trump have lost their way. Ignore them and fight against fascism/tRumpism with all your might. This country depends on YOU to get out the vote and get them out of office! In your house, in your community, in your county, and in your state!

Isn't she lovely?


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