As a trained psychotherapist, I was once reasonably accurate in detecting less-than-factual statements. I learned to read body language and immediately discern when the verbiage did not match the behavior. I was married to an attorney while working on a doctorate at the University of North Texas in organizational psychology. We had quite a few discussions about applying what I had learned to jury selection. One of my classmates, Phil McGraw, would later specialize in jury selection, meet Oprah Winfrey, and become rich and famous. He now drives a Bentley. I don’t. I’m a bit rusty now and maybe overconfident in skills learned long ago. It sometimes comes as a huge surprise when I discover I’ve been deceived. I usually react with anger when I have been “played” rather than being hurt or disappointed; I typically respond with anger…mostly because I was fooled. I pride myself in being authentic, sometimes too direct and honest, which I realize is probably not to many people’s ta...