I've been having problems understanding the connection between the Christian Evangelicals and Trump.  Only yesterday, I learned of Franklin Graham and his association with Putin, so I did some research.

Franklin Graham makes a yearly salary of over a million dollars.  His net worth is over $10 million, which is probably a conservative estimate.

He has made several trips to Russia over the past six years.  He has been quoted saying that he admires Putin for his stance against homosexuals.  Apparently, it's acceptable to Franklin that Putin has murdered and imprisoned people who identified as homosexuals.

Franklin has claimed that Obama was Muslim, even though he has declared his Christianity, has been a member of a Christian church for many years, is married to a Christian, and has raised his daughters as Christians.  Graham has stated that Obama filled his administration with members of the Muslim Brotherhood but has never produced any evidence that this is true.

Graham was one of the earliest supporters of Donald Trump, dating back to 2011.  He agrees with Trump that Muslims should be banned from entering this country and that a wall should be built along the border between Mexico and the United States to keep Mexicans from entering our country.

Franklin Graham's history is spotted, at best.  He was a heavy drinker and used illegal drugs before his conversion to Christianity at age 22.  After his conversion, he was immediately offered positions within his father's organizations, acquiring his vast wealth.

I have always admired Billy Graham's consistent message of God's love and openness for people of all races.  Billy Graham was a friend of Martin Luther King, Jr.  He always insisted that his crusades included people of color.  He deliberately scheduled a revival in Montgomery following the marches held there for civil rights.  Franklin is no Billy Graham.  Franklin is a man born of white privilege and wealth. When he found an opportunity to make millions off of his father's ministry, he went "all in."

Franklin believes that God made Trump president.  It is outrageous that he supports a man who has been videotaped saying, "And when you're a star, they let you do it.  You can do anything– Grab them by the pussy.  You can do anything."  Numerous women have accused Trump of inappropriate sexual contact, including a 14-year-old girl.  Trump bragged about going into the dressing room of teenage girls when they were competing in the Miss Teen USA pageant.  Trump has been divorced twice and had affairs while being married.  When a man spoke out against him at one of his rallies, he encouraged others to "beat him up."  He's made fun of people with disabilities. Daily, he lies, deflects, and bullies.  There are too many examples of Trump's vileness to list in this one story.

Yet, Franklin thinks God brought us this travesty of a President?  Exactly what church does Trump attend on Sunday?

What Franklin has done is co-opt Christianity.  If his belief in God and Jesus is true, he missed reading and/or understanding large parts of the New Testament.  You know, the part about Jesus being inclusive and non-judgemental.  And the part about Jesus living a humble life and administering to children, the needy, and the disabled.

I don't worship the same God that Franklin or his followers do.  I believe in inclusivity and that we should care for those with disabilities, the elderly, children, and the disadvantaged.  I don't think all Muslims are evil, nor do I believe all Christians are wrong.  There are extremists in every religion.  Franklin is one of those extremists, but he's also playing to his base, just like Trump. After all, his followers donate significant amounts of money to his ministry, i.e., his pocketbook.

They both seek power and money– and that's what they truly worship.

Finally, people like Franklin are causing rational Christians to question if they are really of the same faith.  As people (primarily men) preach from the pulpit about who their congregants should vote for, who they should associate with, and who should be banned from our country, more Christians will turn away from the church.

Franklin, Trump, and all the other people like them will be held accountable at some point.  It might not be in this lifetime, but it's coming.

"For the love of money is the root of all evil:  which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with."  1 Timothy 6:10

"Part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich."  Donald Trump on Good Morning America, March of 2011.


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