I had a rough night last night. I don't know if it's a cold, the flu, asthma, or bronchitis. I only slept for about an hour and would awaken with a terrible headache, coughing, aching chest, and a nose that needed to be rid of its stuffiness. It might be feverish delirium, but I recall dreaming that a Llano County Democrat was thinking about voting in the Republican Primary when the pain in my head would awaken me. This dream, with subsequent pain, happened several times. It was an absolute nightmare. Most of the Democrats I know detest our Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick. I imagine that if they're honest and moderate (rational), Republicans are ashamed of him. He's a former conservative radio entertainer (think a Texas version of Rush Limbaugh) whose claim to fame for the last two sessions is his laser focus on who can and cannot use public bathrooms. He's hellbent on "protecting" women and children in this state from people who are transgender and just ...