I had a rough night last night. I don't know if it's a cold, the flu, asthma, or bronchitis. I only slept for about an hour and would awaken with a terrible headache, coughing, aching chest, and a nose that needed to be rid of its stuffiness.

It might be feverish delirium, but I recall dreaming that a Llano County Democrat was thinking about voting in the Republican Primary when the pain in my head would awaken me. This dream, with subsequent pain, happened several times. It was an absolute nightmare.

Most of the Democrats I know detest our Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick. I imagine that if they're honest and moderate (rational), Republicans are ashamed of him. He's a former conservative radio entertainer (think a Texas version of Rush Limbaugh) whose claim to fame for the last two sessions is his laser focus on who can and cannot use public bathrooms. He's hellbent on "protecting" women and children in this state from people who are transgender and just might be using the bathroom at the same time. It's all he can think about, making you wonder if he might be transgender.

While he was busy focusing on who gets to use what bathroom, he also was a big proponent of school vouchers and increasing insurance premiums for retired teachers. He's a piece of work. Yet, he still enjoys support from "Christian Conservative Republicans." Translation: we want to control women's bodies, and transgender people cannot use the bathroom of the gender they identify with.

Unfortunately for Texas Democrats, incumbents usually have an advantage. While the Democrats have two people running for Lieutenant Governor, Mike Collier, who left the Republican Party when extremists like Dan Patrick and Ted Cruz took over, is a front-runner. Patrick has an opponent in the Republican Primary.

The Democrat's dislike of Patrick runs very deep, hence, the desire to vote against him in the Republican Primary to ensure he won't run in November. However, when Democrats vote in the Republican Primary, they are identified as Republicans for two years. They cannot run for office or vote in the Democratic County Convention. Most people don't realize it, but it is a matter of public record when you vote in either the Republican or Democratic Primary. No one will know who you voted for, but they will know which Party you chose.

When a Democrat votes Republican, we lose track of them for two years. Many good Democratic candidates are running for state and federal offices. Choose one.

It's vitally important that we take back our country and state. The issues that matter to us are at stake. Democrats don't want to regulate what women do with their bodies. Democrats don't want children and adults mowed down by assault rifles. Democrats don't want Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid defunded. Democrats don't care who uses what bathroom.

I keep hearing that the Republican Party is the Party of "Christian values." I cringe every time I hear the words Christian and Republican used together. It's an oxymoron. Jesus would never support a party that has as its leader a man without a moral bone in his body and lies with each word being hurled out of his mouth. Additionally, Republican officeholders have been bought and paid for by the NRA, big pharma, insurance companies, etc. With each bill passed, it becomes evident that they could care less about the "least of us." Yet, they'll pray for all the unborn children because they're "Pro-life." Right.

VOTE BLUE––our lives depend on it!


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