They go to their lily-white churches in their Sunday-finest clothes where they can see and be seen.  They listen to their whitewashed sermons filled with platitudes and non-controversy.  They say prayers for their daughter's "A" or a new car or the approvals of financing on a new house.

They continue to support the most amoral man ever sitting in the White House.  A man filled with hate, racism, misogyny, and an admitted sexual predator.  A man makes fun of a disabled reporter, women who don't meet his definition of attractive, women who have been sexually assaulted, and the list goes on.  A man runs his hands all over his daughter and claims he would date her if she weren't his daughter.  A man who lies to energize his base--most going to church every Sunday.  A man who celebrates because a man like him was recently confirmed as the newest Supreme Court Justice.

When Jesus hears so-called Christians support politicians who lie, cheat, and steal, he prays, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

When Jesus hears the masses cheer because they now have a majority of Supreme Court Justices who will overturn Roe vs. Wade, he asks, "What about the women who will die while trying to get abortions?  What about the children born with no one to care for them or who are abused and neglected?  Are you adopting, voting for politicians who will provide support, or at least praying for them?  What about the children ripped from their mother's arms at the border?  Are you demanding that they be returned to their parents?  What about impoverished children or the disabled, or the elderly?  Are you supporting legislation that will ensure assistance for them, or do you ignore them because you can't see them when you look in the mirror or because you're too busy noticing that pretty new dress your friend is wearing during church services on Sunday?"  

When Jesus sees politicians give tax cuts to the wealthiest, he weeps because he knows this is the first step to pulling the rug out from under the most vulnerable.  Jesus implores,  "Are you supporting candidates who have compassion and empathy for the "least of these?" 

Jesus tells us, "Verily I say to you, in as much as ye have done it to one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it to me." 
                                                         (Not your White Jesus)


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