Paul Biggs devoted most of his time away from work to be the unpaid music leader of our Baptist church in the small town where I grew up. He was the human resources manager at the plant, but his real love was singing.

I was born a skeptic, so my time as a child during church services was spent reading books when I could get away with it. I haven't changed all that much. There's no cure for skepticism. I sometimes take a longer and more difficult route to reach the same destination as everyone else. My friends and family usually wait for me.

When I was old enough, I eagerly joined the choir, not because I had a good voice but because Brother Paul was such an inspiration. One of the downsides of being in the choir was that we were behind the pulpit and faced the audience. I had to behave and resist the urge to talk, but learning to not do whatever I pleased was good practice for the grown-up world of work. I still struggle.

Brother Paul has been gone from this world for many years, but the impression he made on me lingers. When I see a beautiful sunrise or sunset, I can still feel God's presence and hear Brother Paul's voice singing "How Great Thy Art."  When he sang, you felt a bucket-load of emotion in his booming baritone voice. Most often, he had tears in his eyes as he sang. His tears were contagious, as everyone in the church pews wept when he finished.

As I grow older, my heart is warming to the possibilities of whatever lies ahead. I'm reminded of a quote from the poignant movie, Same Kind of Different as Me (on Netflix), "The truth is whether we're rich or poor or something in between, this earth ain't no final resting place. So in a way, we is all homeless--just working our way toward home."

When I reach the great beyond, I hope Brother Paul's voice welcomes me.

"O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art.


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