We had gathered together with the best intentions; to help our community. We met in a room big enough for social distancing for several weeks for training to assist our town should we have a disaster. We wore masks as we entered the room or walked around, while some wore them for 3 or 4 hours. Unfortunately, when one of the trainers opined that masks were ineffective during at least two sessions, all but one of us wore masks while seated in the room. The power of suggestion and group compliance often has negative consequences. He ever wore a mask the entire time because he stated that his O2 stats dropped when he wore a mask. I considered testing him with my oximeter in the next session but decided not to push it that far. I knew he was lying about his stats to support his position. Reflecting on the whole thing, I realize I should have followed my instincts and challenged the lunatic. After hearing him comment about masks' ineffectiveness one too many times, I contacted the person most responsible for the course. I advised him to make the guy cease with his erroneous and scientifically unfounded declarations. I threatened to invite my friend, the Pulmonologist, to set things straight at the next meeting. I didn't have to, as the comments stopped.


As if the mask-denying weren't enough, he ended the next session by expressing his thoughts about Muslim terrorists in this country and how they plan to obliterate several cities simultaneously. He asked if we had seen Muslims eating out and separating men from women. "In fact,"  he declared, "They even bring their chef!!" (Oh, the horror!)


I couldn't take it anymore and had to speak out. "The terrorists we should be afraid of are our own home-grown white supremacists/nationalists," I suggested. Someone said, "Yeah, the Militias." He was stunned that we would dare to contradict him and whispered, "Uh, yeah." He didn't say much after that interchange, and we didn't have to tolerate the asshat anymore after that session. Thank god. If there's one thing I cannot stomach, it's conspiracy theorists who get all their information off the internet, QAnon, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and YouTube. I'm all eyes and ears for fact-based research from reliable and vetted sources. I'm not talking about the nightly news or what someone said.


Fast forward to our final session, which occurred outdoors. We were only there for an hour. The entire class arrived, with about half wearing masks. When I was close to others or inside, I wore my mask, but I stayed at least 6 feet away from everyone and did not touch another soul.


Later, I would visit outdoors with several close friends for a few hours and spend the next day and a half with my grandchildren.


Two days after the final session, I received word that two people had tested positive for COVID. We were assured that the couple, from the same house, wore a mask the entire time. I was there the whole time, and, no, they didn't. I blame the asshat for giving unscientific information he probably got from the internet, as he told us he didn't watch the "biased" news on TV. Mirror, meet this guy. Somebody should fire him, but this county is so full of people like him that I'm sure this COVIDIOT was expressing what he and other COVIDIOTS talk about all the time.


I waited in line for 45 minutes four days after the fateful event to get tested for COVID. Thank goodness the results are negative, but I could have unknowingly infected my precious grandchildren, my daughter, her husband, and my closest friends. I was horrified at the thought. Since that morning, I haven't heard of anyone else in that group contracting it. Still, our little town now has a record number of cases of COVID, and to repeatedly tell a room of 15 people that masks aren't effective is beyond irresponsible.


Ever wonder why the number of cases in the USA keeps climbing and breaking world records? It is because of people like him. It's also because of people like one of our City Council members and his wife, the Election Judge. They refuse to wear masks because it infringes on their freedom to do as they please (infect others). You just can't fix stupid.


I'm pissed.



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