Since moving back to Texas five years ago, I've learned more than I ever wanted about human nature, and it isn't pretty. The support of the previous president, our politically motivated governor, the pandemic, and the subsequent reaction to COVID by people living in rural Texas has revealed an eagerness to turn away from the sound, scientifically proven research and follow along on a dark road led by the biggest quacks in the country. It feels like I've been dropped into a Stepford Wives scenario, where not just the wives but the husbands have become robots that are easily led to believe anything they're told. I always thought it was a lack of critical thinking or pure laziness, but it's more sinister than not taking the time to research and use logic. No, it's far worse. It's the willingness to relinquish any desire to dig further than what someone in authority tells them, whether it's a rogue medical "professional" or a man-child disguised as a president or a governor wanting to appeal to the ignorant base to get re-elected or a politically motivated pastor of a "church" that should be paying taxes.

A few months ago, I was at our local pharmacy to get a vertigo prescription and a flu shot. I overheard the pharmacist/owner advising a customer on the side effects of ivermectin. When I asked him about ivermectin (a drug used to deworm horses) being prescribed, he proudly stated that his pharmacy was one of the few pharmacies around to fill the prescription. I had heard that a local doctor was prescribing the drug and guessed her name. He confirmed it. My response was that people in our area had all taken "stupid pills," and each day revealed the ignorance more clearly. He was puzzled about my position on ivermectin and said that studies proved its effectiveness. I remarked that quacks did the "studies." Every credible medical source refutes those studies and warns people that death is a possible side effect of ivermectin. He then offered me a booster for the Moderna vaccine because he had a vile open that would be discarded. I asked him why, as the FDA had not yet approved it.

I am not immunocompromised, even though I've had a two-year run with annoying medical and physical issues. Other factors for not receiving the vaccine when he offered it now are that I'm part of a UT study on COVID antibodies and am proud to report that I'm in the 3,000 range. Even if I didn't have a significant number of antibodies, I am concerned about the low vaccination rate of many countries, including the continent of Africa, which stands at only 1% of people who have been vaccinated. The course of viruses is that it mutates when the world doesn't reach herd immunity. There may be a time when COVID mutates, and no vaccine (or ivermectin!) will save us. I preferred that the booster he was offering be used for those who don't have access to the vaccine. In February 2020, I asked this pharmacist if he would work with me to identify people in our community who couldn't drive to get the vaccine, and I would organize nurses to take it to them. He never returned my call after our initial conversation. I remember how he was worried he wouldn't receive his $25 charge for providing the vaccine. After his latest interaction, I will move my business elsewhere.

I decided to use the same internet as the rogue physician mentioned above, and the pharmacist used to justify ivermectin. There are published studies to "prove" the effectiveness of the drug. Dig a little deeper; the journals publishing the studies are losing credibility. Dig even deeper, and you will find that the published articles about ivermectin are medical chart reviews of patients who were administered ivermectin in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mexico, etc. (you get the picture). Their ranking amongst other medical resources quickly falls like a huge rock rolling off a cliff.

I read a recent article in Scientific American about fringe doctors prescribing ivermectin based on unproven and flawed research. Howard Forman from Yale University has reported that the studies promoting ivermectin's benefits have severe issues in their methodology and are not credible. The county I live in, and surrounding counties have a low rate of vaccinations and a high rate of COVID. Most people do not wear masks when they buy groceries at the local HEB. The local doctor prescribing ivermectin has testified that masks aren't effective before the local school board. Her so-called cure for COVID has reinforced people not to get vaccinated. After all, why should they take an "unproven" vaccine when they can ingest a drug that treats worms in horses?

AFLDS is the quacks' resource for scientific proof of the effectiveness of ivermectin. Dr. Simone Gold founded it. Dr. Gold was arrested as part of the January 6 insurrection. Ever heard the phrase, "follow the money"? AFLDS charges $90 for a telemedicine visit to prescribe ivermectin. They connect with digital or local pharmacists who fill those prescriptions at exorbitant prices.

Oh, for eyes that could see and a functioning brain in this town. Beam me up, Scotty.


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