You never know who you'll encounter while waiting a couple of hours for your car to be serviced at the dealership.
When you enter the waiting area, people usually sit around looking at their phones or laptops to pass the time. Conversations are getting rarer because Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter are much more fascinating than meeting someone new.
I roamed the pristine halls of the brand-spanking new dealership, grabbed a latte, and guiltily ate a delicious cookie. The first hour was spent checking my emails and scrolling through Facebook, although neither was captivating. Several of the latest models were in the showroom, which meant I felt compelled to examine a particularly handsome SUV but reacted as if lightning struck me after I saw the sticker price. When did automobiles get so outlandishly expensive?
When the service guy entered the waiting area to give me an update on the expected time that the repair would be completed, one of the customers, named Dayton, was listening to our interchange. It would have been hard to miss my squeal and handclapping when I heard there would be no charge for repairs.
Dayton wasn't on his phone or a laptop and started talking to me. He was a well-dressed gentleman in his early 80s. Dayton shared that he lived about 30 miles west of the dealership but made daily trips past it and stopped by when his truck needed repairs.
Every day for the past two years, Dayton has visited his girlfriend at a Memory Care Unit. They met some years ago after their spouses passed and eventually began living together. She started having cognitive issues, but he continued caring for her until the outbursts from dementia worsened, coupled with the fear that she would wander off at night while he slept.
His love for her hasn't diminished just because she has dementia. Dayton visits her daily to ensure that she is receiving good care. The Memory Care Unit has staff shortages, and there are times when he enters her room, and she's soaked in urine. The facility has extreme difficulty finding caregivers at night. Dayton explained that he respects the staff and understands they do their best under dire circumstances. One wonders why people stay in jobs like that, but I'm hoping they stay because their job is more of a calling.
When I asked Dayton if his partner recognized him, he responded affirmatively. I wonder if he'll continue traveling 60-plus miles roundtrip when she no longer knows who he is. No doubt he will, even though he might be closer to age 90 when that happens. She's one lucky woman to have someone in her life who cares enough to check on her daily, although I bet he's the one who feels the most fortunate.
Sometimes, you meet someone at a car dealership, and they restore your faith in people and their bottomless capacity to love.


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