Patrick is incredibly close to his mother, Marcy, and rarely lets her out of his sight when he's home. Recently, Marcy was calling his name and searching for him throughout the house. He rarely spends time in his bedroom, but that's where she finally found him, looking up at the ceiling with a sad look. She asked, "What's wrong, buddy?" Patrick told her to leave and wouldn't respond initially. She noticed his fingers moving in the air and realized he was writing "Allison."
Marcy asked about Allison, and he sputtered out the words while crying, "Allison broke up with me today and likes another boy." His mother wrapped her arms around him to help lessen his pain. I wish we could prevent our loved ones from suffering, but it's inevitable, even at a young age. Besides, Patrick will always have his mother as his best girl to love and nurture him through the bad times.

"If only she knew
How much my love for her grew,
Maybe, just maybe, we could start something new,
And then I'd never feel blue."
by Kiara Wilson
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