Often, I experience sights you'd love and wish you'd be here with me.  That's when I miss you the most.  Maybe words aren't enough to share what I saw this weekend, but I'll try anyway.

As Richard and I were sailing to the Keys last Friday night, thousands of white-winged birds flew over a vast expanse of water under an almost moonless night.  This was a sight for someone who grew up in an area practically devoid of birds except for a sparrow or two!  I even thought there were very few birds that flew at night. Terns need to be added to my list of nocturnal birds.

It was in my state of awe that I thought of you, Daddy.  I know how much you love watching birds and how being here would have thrilled you, particularly on the deck of a sailboat on the way to the Tropics.  Seeing and hearing thousands of white-winged birds diving into the water in one direction with the view of the nighttime skyline of Miami in the other direction is one of those scenes I couldn't have dreamed of when I was a young child.

It was a particularly stressful week at work, and sailing was the best medicine. Until you've sailed across the water and listened to the sound of wind being caught at just the right angle by the sails, you have no idea how calming this can be. As we sailed into the dark night, light from the tiny sliver of the moon reflected on the sails. 

After anchoring off a small uninhabited island in the Keys and spending most of the day napping and reading, the sun began to set over the water.  That's when I thought of you, Mother.  I knew you'd love seeing the enormously bright, orange ball slipping behind a thin line of clouds on the way to quickly disappearing under the sea.  You would have been as thrilled as we were to be paying homage to the end of a perfect day by watching such a beautiful sunset.  We both commented that watching the sunset over Biscayne Bay is what we want to be doing when we draw our last breath.  I cannot imagine a better ending to a life that has given me such a bounty of beauty.

When nighttime started drawing near, I commented how lucky we were to be together at this time, in this beautiful place and on this fantastic boat.

At these times, the only thing missing is to be surrounded by all the people you love.  That's when I miss you the most.



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