Dear Editor,


When the laundry load was removed from the washing machine, every piece of clothing was covered with small, white, almost lint-like pieces. Whenever I emptied the dryer filter, it was filled with several handfuls of white fragments. And that stuff was impossible to remove from clothing, even with a lint remover. So, if lint weren't the culprit, what in the heck was it? I wondered what in the world caused it.


Throughout the day, I worried that something was wrong with the washing machine and would cost a lot of money to fix. Was there something clogging the hoses that ran into the machine? If I had left a Kleenex or paper towel in a pocket, it would have never resulted in the volume of white pieces removed from the dryer. It just didn't make sense.


When it was time for bed, I started looking for the latest issue of Texas Monthly. I searched everywhere. It wasn't on my nightstand, and it wasn't on the coffee table. I even looked in the recycle bin. That's when it struck me that I had placed the magazine on the bathroom counter that morning to make sure I took it downstairs to read during the day. Unfortunately, I had inadvertently placed laundry over it, carried the load downstairs, and hurriedly filled the washing machine before beginning my early morning walk.


Note to self:  At least read the Texas Monthly before it's washed. (Thank goodness I already read and saved a copy of the supplemental magazine on Willie Nelson that came with the latest issue of the Texas Monthly!)


Sincerely yours,


Dana Rushing

Horseshoe Bay, TX


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