A nice-looking, friendly, well-kept gentleman moved into the Geezer Apartments a few weeks after I arrived.  At that time, I participated in most group activities.  Jerry immediately joined the all-women group that met in the morning for coffee and in the evening for drinks.  They welcomed him into the group, which immediately changed the dynamics for the better.  There were still complaints about the lack of coffee, but the health discussions were minimal, thank God.


Jerry didn’t share much background, even though he was thoroughly quizzed.  He told us that he was a retired school counselor and coach from out-of-state that had graduated from Texas Tech even though he was born and raised in upstate New York.  One of the residents saw him walking with another man and assumed he was gay. However, for the life of me, I cannot understand why that was any of her business or why it would matter to her.


Jerry recently lost 100 pounds and is determined to keep off excess weight, so he walks five miles in the morning and an equal number of miles in the afternoon.  Paddy and I frequently encounter him on our much-shorter morning walks.  Jerry has become Paddy’s best friend because there’s always a dog treat in his pocket.  Most of our walk is composed of Paddy frantically searching for Jerry.  Paddy can see him a half mile away, so I know his 11-year-old eyesight is excellent.


A few months after Jerry moved here, I greeted a new resident in the common area.  She introduced herself as Sherry and, at the same time, revealed that she was Jerry’s wife.  I was surprised to hear that Jerry was married, as he never mentioned it. However, I applaud him for keeping his business private. Sherry related that she had been living with her daughter to take care of her daughter’s animals for a few months but had found an apartment for Jerry at the Geezer Apartments. Eventually, Sherry’s daughter located someone else to care for her 7 cats and two dogs, so Sherry moved to our apartment building.  She explained that she has her own apartment because they are incompatible as roommates.  Jerry is compulsive, and Sherry is more of an independent free spirit.  Sherry recently told me, "I found my voice years ago, and I use it."  Jerry and Sherry care for each other and intend to stay married.  They met when both were employed by the school system and have been married for 10 years.


When the ladies heard about their arrangement, tongues were a-wagging.  They were aghast.  Every time one of them mentions the couple’s arrangement to me, I have a different response.  I exclaim, “Isn’t that great?! They have their own space, can decorate according to their tastes, and don’t have to worry about who does the chores!  They are together when it’s convenient for both. I think it’s perfect!”  At this point, the Gossip will look at me like I have two heads and mutter, “Then why get married?"  Small minds…oh, well.


Many women my age living alone are quite content with their status.  They no longer feel the pressure to fill the role of the stereotypical homemaker who does the cooking and cleaning, and they have a full say on where to go and what to do.


I am fond of Jerry and Sherry for their intelligence, kindness, and youthful spirit. Their arrangement promotes happiness where each party can do whatever they wish without the watchful eyes of a partner 24/7.


I think they're on to something!


  1. I love that divorce is not the go to answer when a married couple wish to stay together but not live together.


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