So...our "pro-life, Christian" Governor has decided to install gigantic buoys with spikes on top to deter people from crossing the border via the Rio Grande River. The buoys cost taxpayers $1 million and were purchased from a South African company. This latest death-inducing deterrent is the newest atrocity following six miles of razor wire placement along the river and underwater several years ago. Additionally, there have been anonymous reports by law enforcement employees that they were told to push migrants back into the river if they crossed into Texas and to not give them any water.

Oh, the irony…Texas bought potentially deadly equipment from a country known for atrocities against people of color under apartheid that ended only 30 years ago. (Full disclosure: I lived there in 1998, and Whites still committed atrocities because it took a while to clean up law enforcement.) By the way, South Africa was ruled for centuries by a White minority. (Don't think it won't happen here, as the far-right wackos will ensure by any means necessary that they win elections. Texas is now 39% non-Hispanic White, and it scares the bejeezus out of most right-wing White Nationalist males, who dominate the Texas Legislature and most local governments. Their Stepford Wives, Moms for Liberty, are busy burning books.)
Not only has our sociopathic Governor tricked migrants who came here legally by busing them across the country, he now wants to drown or impale women, men, and children when they illegally cross the river. Is that his answer to stop desperate families from coming here who are fleeing horrific conditions in their countries of origin?

How does Abbott justify his actions? He and his fellow Republicans constantly claim and fundraise that Biden "opened the border." This is a lie. There is NO open border, and we've seen the lowest number of people crossing the border in years.
Some might defend his actions because of fentanyl coming into our state, but most of the drug is crossing the border in vehicles at the official checkpoints.
His wife's maternal Mexican grandparents must be turning over in their graves.
I don't know who is a worse human being as a governor...Abbott or DeSantis. It's a toss-up.
Besides, the Rio Grande River jointly belongs to the United States and Mexico under the 1944 Water Treaty.
"If you profess to be a follower of Jesus, I'm not interested in the Scriptures you can recite, the prayers you utter out loud, or your grand displays of piety.
Show me a working theology of empathy.
Show me you actually give a damn about people."
(quote by John Pavlovitz)


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