Isn’t it funny how life comes full circle sometimes unexpectedly? It’s almost as if the world was topsy turvy many years ago, then straightened itself at the last moment to ensure a smoother exit. I grew up in a tiny town where our fathers worked for a petroleum company. All the children attended the same small school for 12 years, with the majority leaving for college shortly after graduation. We knew children older and younger than us because frequently, they were our classmates’ siblings. We even knew to which family a dog walking down the street belonged, even if the pet was many blocks away from their yard. Most dogs were mutts; our parents wouldn’t dream of wasting money on purebred dogs. I only learned in the last few years that our families were poor. While I was surprised to get the news, it doesn’t matter. All I wanted was to leave home and the town as fast as possible to begin the adventures I only dreamed about as a child. My hometown only exists as a memory, ...