Dear Editor,

In response to Mr. Russell’s letter regarding keeping the Confederate Flag and Confederate statues displayed in public places:  He certainly has a right to express his opinion.  However, is it not possible to express one’s opinion without name-calling? 

My Great Great Grandfather was a Colonel in the Civil War. Young County is named after him.  After the Civil War, he served honorably as Sheriff.  He lost his life in a gun battle with a criminal.

The Southern states that seceded were not charged with treason against the United States to heal the wounds that divided the nation. Colonel Young served on the side that lost. Although I’m a descendant of a man who fought with the Confederacy, it doesn’t mean I support his actions.  I am, first and foremost, a proud American.  Secondly, I am a proud native Texan.  

Mr. Russell and others will argue all day long that the Civil War was about states’ rights, and they are correct, but only partially.  In truth, it was about the state’s right to own slaves.

One of the most extraordinary Texans, Sam Houston, was removed as governor because he opposed Texas joining the Confederacy.

Texas was one of four states that added an addendum to the Articles of Secession entitled “Declaration of Causes.” 54% of the Texas Declaration referred to slaveryAs Mr. Russell claimed, I might be one of those who are "educated-beyond-my-intelligence." Thankfully, what intelligence I possess allows me to learn the truth through research.

Confederate flags and statues are a source of pain for many people descended from slaves.  Those statues were erected long after the Civil War to remind people of White Supremacy. Does a ‘good Christian’ not do something when someone is in pain? Did Jesus own another human being?

It’s time to remove these reminders of slavery from public areas and place them in museums. They are racist symbols that do nothing to heal a nation that was once terribly divided and seemingly divided again through the rhetoric of the person who holds the highest office in the land.  His behavior has emboldened thousands of White Supremacists, KKK members, and Neo-Nazis to take to the streets.  The movement to rid these symbols of racism is a natural reaction to overcoming the actions of hate groups. We must make right what is wrong and has been wrong for far too long.

Dana Wright Rushing
Horseshoe Bay


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