The President of the United States recently ranted via Twitter about football players kneeling during the National Anthem.  He instructed the owners to fire them and suggested that fans start boycotting football games to get the protesting players to stop kneeling.  Astonishingly, this man would rant about this while we have had devastation from three hurricanes in the past few weeks.  Puerto Rico is now without power, and millions are homeless.

And yet, our so-called President, a man who has shown his disrespect for women and his dislike of those of a different color and religion (as if he genuinely believes in any faith), continues to tweet his blatant racism and misogyny.  All while he's being investigated for collusion with the Russians either directly or through money laundering or whatever...there's so much smoke that it's hard to believe there's no fire.  He continues to act like a narcissistic, sociopathic toddler.  And does it at great peril to our standing in the world and in the process of provoking a nuclear war with someone much like himself.  He cannot control himself, and no one better suggest that he stop.

History will not be kind to this man-child.  I want my personal account to show that I did everything possible to speak out against him and his big gang of thugs. vehemently disagree with those who support him, many of whom are my friends and family.  Unfortunately, when I discovered that they supported him, my feelings of love toward them lessened.  Their support for him tells me everything about their character, and it 'ain't' pretty. I'm ashamed of them. It's a sad day in our country when millions, who call themselves Christians, support a man so obviously devoid of any values or morals.  It's literally beyond the pale.

It was in this frame of mind that I felt compelled to post the following on Facebook yesterday:

Don't get distracted by the football players kneeling during the National Anthem.  You haven't lived their lives and those of their race and experienced what they have.  It's not about disrespecting the National Anthem or the US Flag.  You haven't been listening.

Don't get distracted by young white men marching in the streets carrying a Confederate flag or displaying swastikas.  It's not about the Confederacy or the Nazis.  They fear that the 'privilege' or 'entitled' part of white male privilege is slipping away.  It's difficult to give up privilege when you're born into it.  You're not listening if you're focusing on those symbols.  Besides, whether you support their cause or not, it's their right to peacefully protest.

Don't get distracted by the millions of women taking to the streets to protest men in power demeaning women and passing legislation designed to control their bodies.  It's seen by many of us as an attempt by white males to keep women 'barefoot and pregnant' and quiet.  If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one and/or stop having sex with women.  It's really that simple.  You were not living that female's life when she discovered an unplanned pregnancy. Perhaps she doesn't have the means to carry that baby full term.  Maybe the baby is already dead in her womb.  Suppose you're truly Pro-Life and care about that baby. In that case, you will fight with every fiber of your being to ensure that disadvantaged and/or disabled babies receive the best medical, physical, and educational care possible.  This means you'll fight against attempts by the Republican Congress and Republican State Legislators to defund programs to help those babies.  You'll fight to ensure they live in decent homes and have food to eat.  You're not listening if you don't know why women are rising up.

You're ignoring even more significant issues if you're focused on various groups exercising their right to speak out and protest.

We are now locked into a war of exchanging words between our President and Kim Jong Un.  These two were born to wealth, privilege, and power.  They were never held accountable for their actions.  They apparently never developed psychologically, as evidenced by a total lack of empathy or compassion for their own people.  Their inability to control themselves quickly escalates into what may become a nuclear war.  Maybe Obama and Hillary 'let' North Korea develop nuclear weapons, as did every President and Secretary of State since WWII, but Trump's bullying approach isn't the answer either.

While you were distracted by people kneeling on the football field, Congress is getting ready to pass a so-called 'healthcare' bill that will result in millions not being able to afford insurance by increasing premiums for pre-existing conditions for those over 55 and giving the states the ability to opt-out of many conditions covered in the past.  Plus---it defunds Medicaid by $400 billion.  Medicaid helps pay for many elderly programs, including nursing home costs for those without assets.  And Medicare won't pick up the difference, as Medicare only pays for short-term rehabilitation placement in nursing homes.  Medicaid provides lunches for home-bound elderly.  It provides medical care and therapy for disabled children and numerous other services.  It's a racist myth about Cadillac-driving welfare recipients.  Republican Senators will innocently tell you that they are simply giving healthcare/Medicaid to states to administer, but that's a half-truth.  Don't believe what they're telling you.  Read the bill.  And if the bill doesn't pass?  It's not over...they will try to attempt to defund Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare through the budget process.  Their goal is to give tax breaks to the wealthy, especially the Koch brothers, who put most Republicans into office.

While you were distracted by football players kneeling during the National Anthem, Mueller is getting closer to exposing crimes committed by Trump and his gang...whether you believe it or not. the meantime, Trump, his family, and members of his cabinet are financially benefitting from your tax money...all while taking private jets on 'business' when they could be flying commercially.

And finally, when you were distracted by football players kneeling on the field, Trump just signed an order to prevent more people from other countries from coming into this country, including countries like Venezuela, where people are starving.  Have you ever known a terrorist from Venezuela?  And for those who are devout Christians...wouldn't Jesus want us to take care of those suffering?

Just asking...


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