• Denial of COVID by the President: "It's a hoax by the Democrats."  "COVID-19 affects virtually nobody." "This is the flu. This is just like the flu." "So last year, 37,000 people died from the flu. We've only had 22 deaths (March 2020)."  "It will vanish in a few months."  "It will suddenly go away on November 3." (He knew of the impending pandemic MONTHS before he made those statements and chose to ignore it. His administration ignored the work the Obama administration had created regarding handling a pandemic). It should be no surprise that planes carrying infected people would spread the virus worldwide when we first heard of COVID occurring in China over a year ago.
  •  Lack of leadership concerning social distancing, wearing masks, and avoiding crowds:  The president hosted super-spreader rallies for months leading up to the election. His followers mimic everything he does or says.
  • The Trump Party allowed the above and refused to adhere to guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID. The refusal to wear masks and gather in groups without social distancing has resulted in over 400,000 people dead. (That number does not account for the people who died of COVID before physicians could diagnose the virus). Meanwhile, disinformation continues with statements like, "Those people died of something other than COVID. "Hospitals are lying about the diagnosis," and wait for it—"My doctor told me that masks weren't effective." (I always ask for the doctor's name because I wouldn't hesitate to report them to the Medical Board. They never give me a name.) One always knows it's a Trumper/science-denier/conspiracy theorist when we see a person walking around without a mask and a look of defiance. What do we see? Someone who is willfully ignorant, immature, and self-centered.
  • Lack of adequate personal protection equipment supplies. In the first few months of the pandemic, the WH administration bought most of the available PPEs, leaving states scrambling to get PPEs. States had to pay inflated prices due to reduced reserves. As punishment for those states with a Democratic governor, they received fewer PPEs.
  • Trump passed on buying millions of extra vaccines needed for our citizens.
  • Massive disorganization in the distribution of limited numbers of vaccines
  • Disinformation from WH on availability of vaccines and number being warehoused.
  • Disorganization, lack of adequate communication in states about availability, and an unfortunate lack of vaccines in rural counties. (More than 1 in 5 older Americans live in rural areas—approximately 10.6 million)
  • No centralized vaccine registration. Those comfortable with computers are registering in many places. Politicians and people with contacts "jump the line" to receive a limited vaccine supply. Canada is slow in rolling out the vaccine while negotiating with the U.S. to sell some of their supply! Even though the governor has stated that no foreigners would be vaccinated, Canadians travel to Florida and receive the vaccine.
  • Lack of communication from facilities selected to receive the vaccine. (Follow-up with those sites revealed that they either didn't have the vaccine or didn't have any left, AND they had no idea when they would be receiving another distribution (or how many doses they would receive).  
  • What happens to people without access to a computer? What happens to people over 65 who don't know how to use a computer?
  • Hope is on the horizon:  Biden Administration has pledged to enact the Defense Production Act to produce more vaccines and $20 billion for a national vaccine program, which should have been done many months ago.

Suggestion:  States should have a centralized registration for the vaccine, then the site could automatically register the individual at the location nearest them. Doctor's offices should enroll all patients over age 65 and notify them that they have been registered. Many senior citizens are not computer-savvy.

Disseminate clear and concise information that the vaccine does not make one immune to the virus. Although inoculated, it can still be contracted and spread, likely reducing the symptoms. Until at least 70% of our population has received the vaccination, COVID and its virus variants will linger.

The Second BIG Lie? Trump won the election. STOP THE LIE



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