Like everyone else, I'm happy to see 2020 behind us. It was a year that gave us lots of time for introspection. I survived the shingles before the official start of the pandemic and had two hip replacements during the pandemic. Those were tough times while I was going through it, but I had help from family and friends. The recovery was quick and relatively painless, and I emerged stronger. Many people didn't have it as easy because they lost loved ones or suffered from the loss of jobs.

What I learned from 2020 was that we have tragically mishandled the pandemic. A disturbingly considerable number of people still believe that COVID isn't real or is no worse than the flu. Most of the same crowd feels their freedom has been taken away with mask mandates and restrictions on gatherings and will not comply. Unlike Australia and New Zealand, who came together to fight COVID by adhering to common sense guidelines, our country has been devastated by deaths and an economic downturn, and it's directly due, in most part, to people gathering, not wearing masks, and not social distancing. It didn't have to be like this. And it's far from over. Many of the same mask-deniers and individual freedom believers (at all costs) are refusing the vaccine when it becomes available. The excuses vary from "Bill Gates has a tracker implanted in the vaccines" to "I will not be forced to take an unproven vaccine." At this rate, we will never achieve herd immunity from the vaccine. Therefore, COVID will ALWAYS be with us.
I fervently hope that when the Biden Administration takes over in a few weeks, the coordination of the vaccine distribution will improve. Right now, it's a cluster of chaos, disorganization, and lack of communication. I spent the more significant part of yesterday and today investigating when, where, and how the public will receive the vaccine. I went on the state website to find a list of pharmacies and healthcare providers that received the vaccine. I contacted many of them by phone. Most are out of the vaccine and are still determining when they will receive a new shipment. My personal healthcare provider, a PA with Baylor Scott &White, did not know when they would receive the vaccine. However, the local hospital website indicates that they are STILL vaccinating their healthcare providers. There needs to be an indication of when they'll receive more vaccines or how they will notify the public when it's their turn. HEB pharmacies all over the state have received most of the shipments. When you call or go on their website, they say they don't have any more vaccines and don't know when they will again. The website indicates that you should check back frequently when they post a link to make an appointment.
My family, friends, and I will eventually get the vaccine. Hopefully, we will remain COVID-free until then. My 91-year-old mother was recently exposed to the virus but, thankfully, has remained COVID-free. I'm not sure I'll forgive the person who never wore a mask around her and exposed her to the virus. My mother told me this morning that she refused to be vaccinated against shingles, pneumonia, and the flu...UNTIL she contracted each of them. Now, she takes whatever vaccinations are available and will gladly be vaccinated against COVID.
I believe 2021 will be a better year for many who have suffered needlessly. I'm anxiously awaiting when the over 500 children separated from their parents since 2017 are reunited. I want to be in Matamoras when the people living in tents are granted asylum in this country. I don't want to see another plane leaving one of our border airports flying unaccompanied children back to their drug war-ravaged countries to face possible death. I want to see the end of cruelty to human beings. After all, we are to love one another, aren't we? Is there any stipulation about color or country of origin?
I know the changes I want to see in our government will take work, but I firmly believe that we have a chance to right the wrongs and emerge more robust as a nation. I will continue to fight for justice and help lift those suffering. I don't expect that political divisiveness will improve. If anything, it will get worse. I can't do anything about what people believe or how they behave. All we really have control over is ourselves. It's a new year, and there's always hope for a better year than the previous one. At least, that's my prayer.


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