This is Teacher Appreciation Week, and even though it’s been more than 50 years since graduating from high school, many of my teachers hold a special place in my heart.  In fact, two of them saved my life. 

I never felt I mattered much when I was young, but there were teachers in my small school who saw something worthwhile in me.  They are long gone, but their faces and words of encouragement are still vivid memories.  During my darkest moments, Mrs. Creel, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Vassar, and Mrs. George lifted me up.  I wasn’t aware that anyone noticed me, but the frequent bruising on my legs and depressed demeanor gave them a clue about my home life.  


They encouraged me to excel in school and stay active in journalism and band.  Mrs. Vassar encouraged me to write, which was therapy for me then and remains so.  Besides the extra support I received from them, they were superior teachers and wonderful human beings.  It would have been easy to ignore me, but they didn’t.  Mrs. George and Mrs. Creel wanted to do something about the situation but feared that things would be worse for me if they reported it.  After all, it was a small town with no social services.


I was able to thank Mrs. Creel and Mrs. Vassar before they died. How I wished I had thanked the other teachers.  I would have told them that I had a happy adulthood, traveled widely, and was successful professionally.  I would have shared that being the best mother I could be to my daughter has been one of the joys of my life.  In fact, living her childhood with her almost made up for what I had experienced as a child. I would have told them that none of this would have happened had they not given me the courage to carry on.


I hope teachers realize their tremendous impact on children daily, despite the unmitigated grief they are experiencing from out-of-control parents and interfering legislators.

Teachers should be appreciated through higher pay and more support from administrators and parents.   


I know from experience that one kind word can make all the difference in the lives of children who might not hear positive feedback from anyone else.  


Rest in Peace, my angels.  You made a difference in my life and countless other lives.



  PHS class of '68... Senior picture





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