(This was published as an Op-Ed in The Highlander, a newspaper distributed throughout the Highland Lakes region of Texas)

By Dana Rushing (former Llano County Democratic Party Chair, the current VP of Highland Lakes Democratic Women, and Senate District 24 Committee Woman to the State Democratic Executive Committee)

The Texas Democratic Party's core values address the belief in equal opportunity, fairness, freedom, family, community, and a responsibility to ourselves and each other. Our most vital view is that people come first. We are a party for and by the people.  

The Governor of Texas recently made masks mandatory in public and took other measures to ensure our citizens' safety. If anything, there should have been a mandate months ago. The state opened too early, and COVID-19 ran rampant throughout our state, making our state one of the worst for the country's number of cases and deaths. Our hospitals are full, and people die every day from the virus. Many people felt that wearing masks and limiting gatherings in public was against their rights as citizens of the United States. After all, they reasoned, they should be free to do as they please. We can all now see the disaster of such behavior.

Theories that COVID-19 is nothing worse than the flu have been posted on various social media pages. Your contributor to The Highlander, Connie Swinney, recently posted on Facebook that a "healthcare worker" had sent her information concerning the possibility that oxygen levels are reduced when wearing a mask, resulting in death. 

I started my 50-year career in healthcare as an aide in a psychiatric hospital. I earned three degrees through hard work while working my way up the proverbial ladder. I retired four years ago after running a rehabilitation hospital and many outpatient physical therapy clinics. I never knew one person who became weak or died from wearing masks. This kind of false information, distributed freely throughout social media, needs to cease.

Setting politics and conspiracy theories aside, science has revealed that wearing masks will prevent the spread of the deadly virus COVID-19. Science has also confirmed that COVID-19 is more virulent and dangerous than the flu. I know six individuals who had COVID-19, and one died from it.   

When significant numbers of people refuse to wear masks and insist on gathering in large groups, not social distancing, COVID-19 will continue to spread. It's my constitutional right to be free from harm. Your freedom to not wear a mask infringes on my right not to be exposed to the virus that you may unknowingly spread.

If everyone complies with wearing a mask, we can help stop the spread of COVID-19. Not only will lives be saved, but our economy can begin to recover. Isn't this what all of us want?  

Winston Churchill once said, "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing after trying everything else." 

Let's do the right thing and care for ourselves and each other.


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