I ordered Mary Trump's book early and eagerly anticipated receiving insight from a true insider into the Trump family dynamics, especially since she had a doctorate in psychology. After hearing about Trump throughout the years and learning first-hand accounts of his behavior when I lived in Palm Beach County, I had some theories about his pathology due to my counseling psychology background. I was curious whether she had drawn the same conclusions, and, at the same time, I wanted to hear some juicy family stories. We all have a little or a considerable amount of dysfunction in our families because, let's face it, no one is perfect. I always surmised that Trump's family had more malfunctions than most.

While waiting for the lawsuits against the book's publication by the Trump family to resolve, I started seeing her interviews on TV. Her responses were with a flat affect, and the tone of her voice displayed no emotion. This may have been purposeful, as many therapists learn to appear expressionless when counseling patients. I also had the nagging thought that her book was about revenge since her grandfather essentially disinherited her. I've always observed that when people feel entitled to money they haven't earned, it creates psychological issues. The love of money is truly the root of all kinds of evil. No one in the Trump family has earned their keep, including Donald.  

The book arrived, and I finished reading it in one day. I couldn't put it down. The thoroughness of the family dynamics revealed in Mary's book leads to understanding Trump's current behavior. His parents ignored him at a very young age. His father rewarded him with praise for bullying others, his arrogant attitude, and constant self-promotion, as the father saw himself in his son. Trump's belief that the rules don't apply to him was reinforced by his father, who bailed him out of countless financial failures. In her book, Mary stated that "a large minority of people still confuse his arrogance for strength, his false bravado for accomplishment, and his superficial interest in them for charisma." The very idea that Evangelicals see him as a "changed man" is outrageous. Sociopaths do not change. They can be hugely successful con men. Prisons, politics, and churches are full of them.

Mary stated that she was not writing the book as an act of cashing in or seeking revenge, as she would have written it long ago if that were true. Mary feels that the last three years' events have forced her hand to reveal Trump's true nature. Further, she surmised, "by the time the book is published, thousands of lives would be sacrificed at the altar of Donald's hubris and willful ignorance." She feels that her grandfather and Donald destroyed her father, Freddie, who died from alcoholism when he was 42. Furthermore, Mary couldn't let Donald destroy "my country" if elected again.

While I now have more insight and an understanding of Donald's pathological behavior, I will never accept him as the President of our once-great country. We can anticipate that Donald will interfere in the elections and not accept his successor. Nevertheless, this country has survived countless wars and many economic challenges. We can survive a wannabe dictator. We must do everything we can to turn this disaster around by encouraging people to vote.


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