My brain is tired today. The ongoing polarization of mask-wearing has taken a toll on me. I give up. Those who think that mandating masks is a government conspiracy to control us and that COVID-19 is no worse than the flu, go ahead, keep being fed that bullshit, and dig up narratives to support that belief. If it's repeated often enough by Fox News or Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh and one never reads any scientific studies about COVID-19, it becomes the truth to those who choose to be willfully ignorant.
I especially love hearing about people who claim they can't breathe with a mask or that their doctor told them a mask was ineffective. That's some more bullshit. If a doctor truly made that statement, they should lose their license.
Some object to wearing masks because they should have the freedom to do whatever they wish, and mandating masks is unconstitutional. That's more B.S.
I'll no longer share scientific evidence about COVID-19 or the effectiveness of wearing a mask. It's not going to make a difference to the conspiracy theorists, and I'm wasting my time.
The science-deniers and conspiracy theorists will continue to have meetings and large gatherings without masks. I'm confident that right before the insertion of a breathing tube down their throat, the science-denier will still believe it's no worse than the flu. Rest in peace.
(From webmd.com January 29, 2021: There are two major types of disinformation being promulgated about the coronavirus vaccines:
- Anecdotal "cause-and-effect" rumors that erroneously tie a person's untimely demise to the fact they recently got a COVID-19 vaccine.
- "Big lie" conspiracy theories that allege the vaccine can cause all manner of major side effects, from infertility to permanently altering your genetics.)
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