Recently, I was out for a couple of hours running errands.  When I returned home, it was to a house without water.  I checked the water meter and discovered a PVC pipe leading to it had completely broken off.  For a moment, I thought it was a deliberate act, as I have been part of a small group of homeowners that were outraged by decisions made by the new president of our HOA (think LOTS of money out of our pockets!).  Passing thoughts sometimes get burned into your brain and either grow in intensity or remain dormant until something makes you realize that your gut was right all along.

My brother had installed a rain barrel on my deck a few months ago. My back was aching after hauling what seemed like millions of buckets of water from the upstairs balcony to the master bathroom, then to the kitchen and bathroom downstairs.  I never knew that flushing used gallons of water each time! That lone rain barrel saved me for those 20 hours.

When I discovered no water, I promptly contacted about 6 plumbing companies.  It was 4:30 PM, and I knew the chances of catching someone at work during a holiday week were probably unlikely to occur.  Finally, I got someone on the phone who assured me someone would be at my house the following day.  Three days have passed, and 5 of those companies have yet to return my call.  Business must be booming in the plumbing business!

I've not been as happy to see someone as I was when I opened the door to the plumber. His name was Tim.  My brother's name is Tim.  I've never met a Tim I didn't like.  He explained that they would be working outside and finishing in short order.  This was fantastic news, as I feared a driveway would have to be demolished while repairing the broken PVC pipe.

And sure enough, he rang the doorbell again about 30 minutes later.  Tim reported that the pipe was repaired, and I had water.  At last.

Paddy always thinks visitors to the house are here to see him.  He's absolutely ecstatic to see new faces come through the door. It gets boring hanging out with me all the time.  Heck, I bore me, too!  Tim loves dogs and eagerly gives Paddy the attention he craves.  He explained that he had two German Shepherds that were incredibly loyal and protective, so much so that it were ruining his relationships with women.  Every time Tim brings a woman home, the dogs growl and stick to him like glue.  The dogs saved him from a badger attack on a hike last summer, so he's choosing them and giving up on finding a companion.

I told him how much I appreciated that the company responded quickly to my call and that I would recommend them.  I was also grateful that I didn't have to spend thousands of dollars on a new driveway!  I promised to contact the company to finish the plumbing job my brother botched while installing a new faucet in one of the bathrooms, which left the sink without hot water.  Tim asked if I wanted him to check on it right then.  Since I'm not a complete idiot, I agree.

We were walking up the stairs when he saw pictures of my daughter and me from 20 to 25 years ago on the wall.  He looked at one of them and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, you look just like Sharon Stone."  I laughed at such a preposterous remark and stated, "You've got to be kidding.  I always thought I was ugly when I was that age, and now that I'm old, I don't care!"  He promptly googled a picture of Sharon Stone and held it next to my photo.  I look nothing like her.  We both have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, but that's as far as it goes. We both have perfect teeth. Maybe, our smiles are similar.

When I mentioned being "old," he was shocked that I wasn't at least 20 years younger and said that if I were in a bar, he'd try and "pick me up."  He's either desperate for companionship, or he's sincere.  No one has ever told me that in all these years.

You would think that such flattery from a man 30 years younger would capture my attention, but it didn't.  I found it sweet and a little sad.  You see, we live in the Hill Country of Texas.  There are only a few young singles here.  They've left in droves for the big cities.  As the saying goes, "the pickings are slim,", especially for someone his age.  They're also slim for people my age, but that ship has just about sailed for most of us.

When I told the story later to friends, I laughed as I repeated it because it's obvious I'm no Sharon Stone.  But, even as I was laughing, I pictured this young, sweet, and sincere guy making this older woman forget reality for a moment or two while she reveled in the attention but would never dare admit it!

I hope he finds a woman his age soon.  Maybe his dogs will approve. Perhaps she'll love his dogs.

Maybe she'll love him even more.


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