I remain puzzled why the average American still supports Donald Trump.  I understand that many of them were "fed-up" with the same old establishment politicians running the government, and they were voting because Trump promised to "drain the swamp."  Even more, voted for Trump because he appealed to their racist and misogynistic views.

White males in this country have enjoyed advantages and privileges from the moment they were born––due to their skin color and gender.  The fear of losing that advantage when Obama was elected morphed into a rage.  A rage that many are unable to understand or accept that it's based on losing white privilege, but it's still there, flashing in giant, neon lights.  Ask women, people of color, or people with sexual orientations other than heterosexuals.  We can spot them from a mile off.

We're almost a year into his Presidency, yet many blindly follow him.  His frequent rallies are reminiscent of those old black-and-white newsreels of Adolf Hitler or Mussolini.  It's almost the same rhetoric and gestures, but more importantly, the same crowd responses.  Even the Evangelicals continue to support a man, who, by his own admission, likes to grab women by the "pussy," has been married several times, and has a reputation for not paying his bills but finding every loophole he can to not pay taxes.  It's becoming clearer by the day that he's been colluding with Russia for years to win the election and borrow and launder Russian money.  To add insult to injury, he lies daily while getting into a Twitter war with Kim Un Jong, leading us closer to nuclear war.

He once said he could "shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, and they'd still support him."  Unfortunately, he's right.  Just listen sometimes to his supporters––they make statements like "God has chosen him to be our leader," "He's telling it like it is," and "He's making America great (white) again."  Many of his supporters now state there was nothing wrong with Trump colluding with the Russians.  I am confident that his supporters will also defend those actions when it's proven that he owes millions of dollars to the Russians and that he's laundered their money in his business dealings for years.  Sadly, most hardcore supporters don't have two pennies to rub together.

These same supporters voted straight-ticket Republican.  About 99.99% of them have not read the tax bills submitted by the Republicans.  They watch Fox News or listen to their Republican representatives or the President to sell them on the Tax "Scam" Bill.  Since they haven't read it, they believe what they are told.  Unfortunately, they will ultimately suffer economically as a result.

After Congress has passed the tax bill, they will tell the American people that we have "run out of money" and start dismantling every social program, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  Our debt will increase by $1.5 TRILLION, yet the very wealthy and corporations will get the tax cuts they want due to lining the pockets of Congress.  Had they not passed the tax bill, the Koch brothers promised to not only no longer financially support them but underwrite someone to run against them in the next election.

Congress does not work for us. If you're wealthy, they work for you.  If you're not and voted for Republicans, you're foolish at best and unintelligent at worst.

Let's review the "Drain the Swamp" Trump Cabinet, starting with the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson.  Good 'ole Rex was formerly the CEO of Exxon Mobil.  His company was working with Russia to build a pipeline through Ukraine when Obama stopped it.  Chad imposed a massive fine on Exxon, which was not paid, so Exxon was kicked out of Chad.  Guess which country got added to Trump's list of banned immigrants?  You guessed correctly––it was Chad.  Remember the four Green Berets recently ambushed and killed in Niger?  Chad protected our forces but withdrew when their country was added to Trump's list of banned immigrants.

Yet, there's no outrage like what we repeatedly heard about Benghazi and Hillary's role. Where is the rage? What about Tillerson's role in the death of our Green Berets in Niger?  Where's the Congressional investigation?

Next on Trump's "Drain the Swamp" Cabinet is Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of Treasury.  Mnuchin was formerly the Chief Information Officer of Goldman Sachs for 17 years, followed by many years in the hedge fund business.  Again, Hillary was pilloried for the compensation she received due to her speeches at Goldman Sachs.  Where's the outrage for Mnuchin's appointment as Secretary of Treasury?  Additionally, he and his new wife (think "trophy wife") have enjoyed taking trips on private jets at taxpayers' expense.  His wife recently took to Twitter and called out a woman who commented about her apparent bragging of owning designer clothes/purses, "We pay more taxes than you," she tweeted.  Where's the outrage?

The Attorney General for Trump's "Drain the Swamp" Cabinet is Jeff Sessions, a man who held the Senate Seat from Alabama for 20 years.  How's that for ridding Washington of establishment politicians?  I won't even go into Sessions' meetings with the Russians and his "I don't recall" comments during hearings.  Either he's lying, or he has a bad case of dementia.  He's the ATTORNEY GENERAL.  His middle name is "Beauregard."  His reputation for supporting Civil Rights is spotty, at best.

Our new Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, is one of Trump's "Drain the Swamp" cabinet members.  He's working hard to drastically reduce the size of our National Monuments to allow oil companies to drill.  He's another cabinet member who has enjoyed private jets and helicopters to travel in the Caribbean Islands at taxpayers' expense.  In fact, he's used private jets, paid by taxpayers, to speak at National Hockey Leagues Golden Knights, whose owner was a significant contributor to his congressional campaigns.  This is a violation of the Hatch Act.

Another "Drain the Swamp" cabinet member is Wilbur Ross.  Wilbur made billions by buying bankrupt companies and has been called the "King of Bankruptcy."  Last month, it was revealed that he lied about ties to Russia in his confirmation hearings.

Tom Price was the first Secretary of Health and Human Services.  Price had been a Representative from Georgia for twelve years before his appointment.  While Representative, he proposed a 14% cut in Social Security payments.  Price was another "Drain the Swamp" Cabinet member who enjoyed taking private jets and military charters at taxpayers' expense.  In fact, he was so flagrant about it that he was forced to resign.

Price's replacement on the "Drain the Swamp" cabinet is Alex Azar.  Azar was formerly President of Eli Lilly and Company, which is notorious for its vast increases in the price of pharmaceuticals, mainly under his leadership while at the company's helm.  He was also on the board of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a pharmaceutical lobby.  Big Pharma is heavily lining the pockets of the members of Congress.  In fact, their bags are so laden with money that their pants are falling to their knees, thus exposing hundreds of asses.

As the Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson heads Trump's "Drain the Swamp" cabinet.  Carson is an outspoken critic of HUD's role in enforcing anti-discrimination laws.  His embellished stories about his childhood have led many to take what he says with a grain of salt since he cannot intelligently string two sentences together.  He may have been a brilliant surgeon at one time, but something has happened to his brain and ability to articulate a coherent thought since then.

The Secretary of Transportation for Trump's "Drain the Swamp" cabinet is Elaine Chao, the wife of Mitch McConnell.  I wonder how appointing the Senate Majority Leader's wife as a Cabinet member is "draining the swamp?"

The only reason I can think of why Trump appointed Rick Perry as part of his "Drain the Swamp" cabinet is because Perry once stated that he would abolish the Department of Energy.  Interestingly, Perry was surprised when he discovered that our nuclear weapons are administered by the Department of Energy.  One thing is for sure––Perry is even dumber than Trump, so Trump has no worries.  Perry is notorious for being both Pro-Life and Pro-Death.  While Governor of Texas, he vetoed a ban on the execution of mentally retarded inmates.  Perry has recently served on two companies, one of which is Sunoco.  He's now the Secretary of Energy.  Let that one sink in.

And the last member of Trump's "Drain the Swamp" cabinet members under review for this essay is Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education.  DeVos has been an outspoken proponent and financial supporter of Charter Schools and school voucher programs. Her husband is heir to the Amway fortune, one of the original companies making hay with multi-level marketing, where the top gets rich while the bottom does all the work and ultimately gets shafted.  Her brother is the founder of the notorious Blackwater, the proud awardee of a $250 million contract with the CIA  and a $92 million contract with the State Department to provide security.  A group of his employees was convicted of killing Iraqi civilians in 2007. Her father has made millions in the auto parts supply business.  The family has been heavy contributors for Republicans for years.  DeVos has written, "We expect to foster a conservative governing philosophy consisting of limited government and respect for traditional American virtues...We expect a return on our investment and a good and honest government.  Furthermore, we expect the Republican Party to use this money to promote these policies and, yes, to win elections." Then, "We concede that we're buying influence."  And finally, she supports guns in schools because of grizzlies.  Enough said.

Drain the swamp?  Indeed.


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