According to Forbes, our notorious Governor Abbott tweeted on Sunday that "patriots" had booed Garth Brooks off stage during a performance in Hamsbriston, Texas. Abbott further stated that Brooks made a remark about "conservative assholes." 

Far-right wingnuts are currently going crazy because Brooks announced that everyone was welcome to patronize his new bar and all beers would be available.

The far-right/MAGAs are boycotting Bud Light due to an ad that featured a transgender person. Therefore, the not-so-good (nor intelligent) governor jumped on the bandwagon to appeal to his base. In their misguided world, anyone supporting Bud Light is boycotted.
One of the best parts of living during these times is seeing the psychological behavior called 'reaction formation' in action. Reaction formation is the fixation in the consciousness of an idea, affect, or desire opposite to a feared unconscious impulse. You get the picture.
The problem is that Brooks wasn't booed off a stage in Hamsbriston, Texas, because the town nor the concert exists. Abbott quoted from an article in Dunning Kruger Times, a satirical website. Note; the Dunning-Kruger effect refers to people with the lowest cognitive abilities that overestimate their knowledge.
Abbott didn't stop with the misinformation. He congratulated them and ended with, "Go woke. Go broke."
I'm proud to be "woke" and "Antifa." Those are very positive terms to me and others who share my core values. Yes, we care about others no matter how they identify or the color of their skin. We care that people from Africa were brought to this country and were forced into slavery and that many are still being mistreated. We care that people are fleeing horrific conditions and trying to come into this country for a better life because we know, without a doubt, that we would do the same thing! We care that women have control over their bodies.
We care that our beloved country doesn't slip into fascism and be ruled by a dictator. So, yes, we're proud to be "Antifa!"
And finally, Garth Brooks doesn't give a flip what Abbott or his base thinks about him, and neither do I.


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