The Highland Lakes Equality Center in Marble Falls hosted its annual Pride Fest in Johnson Park today. I attended the event two years ago but decided to make the two-hour round-trip drive to see old friends that I’d missed terribly. I’ve been gone a year and have not formed friendships like when I lived there.


I have quite a few gay and trans friends. I love and support them and frankly could care less about their sexuality, nor do I care about anyone’s sexuality. If anyone ever asks me if I’m gay, I’d have to respond, “No, but I’m more like the Buddha, Jesus, or any spiritual person. I am inclusive and proud of it.” Does that mean I love ALL gays? No, some of them are asshats, just like some heterosexuals, although I can’t name one person who is gay that is an asshat. I’m confident they are out there somewhere. I would wager there are far more heterosexual than homosexual asshats, especially white males wearing MAGA hats and driving pickups with guns hanging on their rear windows. This is a scientifically proven fact, based on growing up in Texas and living 73 years. Now that it is cool in many circles to be homophobic, specifically the Evangelicals and MAGAs, the number has grown significantly in rural Texas. Well, on second thought, they were already around. The orange criminal clown made it acceptable to "come out" as a hater.


Marble Falls, a town of 7000, is in rural Central Texas, where the majority support Trump (80+%). The courage of the people who formed the Highland Lakes Equality Center in 2017 is unparalleled. They are brave despite the despicable behavior of many on the far right who hide behind their Jesus while hating gays and people of color. 


When the area-wide Democratic organizations sponsored a town hall meeting for candidates running for state offices at the same park in the summer of 2021, one of our speakers was loudly and verbally attacked by a misanthrope wearing a MAGA hat. It was a frightening incident, with the attacker finally being arrested and led away by police.  Ironically, one of our generous donors represented him at his trial.  He won the case.


The original leaders of the Equality Center were determined to form an organization where people could feel accepted and worthy of love. When one has suffered from confusion and feels like an outcast as a child, they feel compelled as an adult to ensure others don't suffer. Today was the second or third Pride Fest held in Johnson Park. 


This was the first year Highland Lakes Democratic Women sponsored a booth at the Fest. Burnet County Democratic Club has had a booth in the past and again today. I’m proud to have been affiliated with the Democratic organizations in the Hill Country and tremendously thrilled that they continue to be active, despite the politically hostile atmosphere that ultimately drove me away.


When I drove into town and again as I was leaving, I cried. I have sorely missed my friends and remembered one of them, particularly, who died recently. Teri would have been there, helping as usual, but she wasn’t today. The pain those of us felt who were close to her was palpable. Some people leave an enormous hole when they leave this world, and Teri is one of them.


As I approached the booths with clusters of friends standing around, I was welcomed with many hugs. What a wonderful homecoming to be surrounded by people you love and know that they undoubtedly share your core values! 


The work these committed groups continue to do will eventually get us past the current political climate and onto a more level ground. 


I don’t think anyone would insist that you LOVE people who are not like you, but the least anyone can do is not be a jerk.


Happy Pride Month! Go ahead, "Say, Gay!


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