GEEZER DATING---The So-Called Entrepreneur

After an almost 20-month hiatus, I've returned to online dating. (My other dating-related blogs on this site are from several years ago.) I did online dating periodically in South Florida and for 6 months in Seattle. It's a combination of curiosity and wanting to enjoy the company of someone of the opposite sex. I knew the Hill Country of Texas would drastically differ from the other two places. Still, I only realized the meaning of 'drastic 'in my first two dinners. I admit it. I'm a liberal and proud of it. Always have been and always will be. However, Texas is full of ultra-conservative/religious right (evangelical) people who voted for Trump, especially those living away from the large cities. Since I live in a rural area, I made it clear that if they were a Trump supporter, to not contact me, as our core values would not be compatible. I've never had to make such a statement in the past, as conservatives of days gone by were people with whom you could actu...