GEEZER DATING: The Conspiracist
The latest in geezerland dating: I told him that I fly 5-7 times a year to various places around the country to see friends and family. He replied, "I don't fly anywhere because the government secretly flies people with Ebola on commercial airlines. Without cleaning the planes, they release the airplanes to fly the public. The Russians have their finger on triggers to shoot down American commercial planes." This is a guy with a Master's from Rutgers who apparently had a successful career with an oil company. I told him I hoped he avoided shopping malls, movie theaters, schools, etc. because we are more likely to be killed by 'one of our own' than the Russians or Ebola. Then, I got off the phone as soon as possible. I wonder if he's watched too much Fox News and listened to Rush for too long. I swear...I don't make this stuff up.
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