The Hill Country of Texas is filled with all sorts of wildlife, particularly in the area where I live, about seven miles from the nearest town.  We have mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, armadillos, deer, skunks, and feral cats.

The small development where I live has 30 townhouses.  We are situated amongst many rolling hills and very few houses.  It’s relatively remote and somewhat rural, although we’re part of the town of Horseshoe Bay.  Horseshoe Bay’s main feature is its fancy resort on the shores of Lake LBJ.  Most houses in Horseshoe Bay are at least a half million dollars, with the ones on the shore into the multiple millions...second homes to the majority.  My modest little development, on the ‘other side’ of the road from the resort, is not in one of THE neighborhoods, but it offers hilltop views of the lake, fewer people, and abundant wildlife.

It’s not unusual to walk with Paddy at night and sometimes trip over holes armadillos have dug or encounter a fox. I walk with a 9 iron just in case one of the foxes bothers us or a mountain lion suddenly appears.  I might be aging, but I can still swing a golf club.  The deer used to run away when they saw us, but they now cautiously stare.  I noticed this morning they’re able to determine that even though we’re initially walking toward them, we’re slowly turning away from them.  They stayed put.  I thought that was rather smart of them. On the other hand, perhaps they’ve learned our routine.  Still smart

Two nights ago, a neighbor two doors down knocked on my patio door.  She wanted me to know her husband was about to shoot a skunk that was digging a hole next to the pool about 50 feet from their patio. I’ve enjoyed talking with this couple from time to time, especially at night when they’ve had a few drinks.  They’re very talkative and funny, but after they are about three sheets into the wind, I excuse myself. Heavy drinkers can wear on you quickly.

I walked out on my patio.  There he was…crossing the grass in his shorts, no shirt, no shoes, and a 45 dangling from his hand.  I’m sure in his mind, he was John Wayne riding on his horse and chasing the Indians.  I figured no good would come from a drunken man with a gun, so I was laughing inside at the sight but worrying simultaneously. While we might be somewhat remote, I knew gunfire would probably bring the police and other neighbors, so I was prepared for an eventful evening.

Fortunately, the skunk got wind that something terrible was coming down and escaped.

Last night, as several of us were returning in my car after dinner, we watched as 4 baby skunks played near a drainage ditch. They were the cutest things you’ve ever seen.  Baby skunks have a lot more white on their backs and tails than adult skunks.  We soon learned from another neighbor that they had been hanging out with their mother under some bushes on our property.

I’m telling John Wayne to keep the gun in his holster.  After all, Momma skunk has babies to take care of!


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