I've been having difficulty with my back for the past two weeks, making walking very painful.  I improve slightly every day, but I'm limited in what I can do.  I'll see a doctor about it eventually, but having been in the hospital business for over 30 years, it takes a lot to see a doctor about anything. Therefore, I've had LOTS of time for research!

A friend recently sent me an article by Caitlin Johnstone regarding the Deep State.  She's a writer/journalist living in Australia. She's neither pro-Democrat nor pro-Republican. I've had a lot of time researching this subject since I read the article,, and wanted to pass along some information.

My other source is Mike Lofgren,, who wrote an essay entitled "Anatomy of the Deep State" in 2014.  He was a Republican Congressional staff member for 28 years. I've also been fascinated by the posts from Vanessa Beely, a London journalist currently in Syria. (Nothing we've been told by the media regarding Syria is truthful)

You can google the Deep State and find out many definitions of it.  Its actual definition is a state within a state. The political definition refers to our government being operated by a hidden group of public and private institutions entities. National Security, law enforcement agencies, top secret-cleared civilian employees (approx. 1 million) involved in intelligence contracting, Wall Street (including lawyers and lobbyists).  Other sources add insurance companies, Big Oil, and banks to that list.

When you scratch just below the surface, you find evidence that those forces do indeed decide the direction of our government. If you review the endless wars we've been part of for decades, you will begin to see the connections between Big Oil and military interventions in the Middle East. Big Oil appears to be behind the Russian interference in our recent elections.  Wall Street, of course, is right in the middle of it. I didn't initially support Hillary due to her connections to Wall Street, although I voted for her because Trump appeared to be the Anti-Christ referred to in the Bible. I just couldn't reconcile myself with his sociopathic, misogynistic, narcissistic, and impulsive behavior and look my grandchildren in the face.  Neither one of the candidates was able to extricate themselves from Big Money.

Just for fun, I went on the Federal Elections Commission site.  You can google any elected official on that site and see a list of their contributors.  Of course, many contributors are hidden in the PACs, but it's interesting to read the professions of the individual contributors. Attorneys, insurance companies, oil company executives, and Wall Street employees are often the contributors.  Oh, their wives, although 'unemployed,' are also individual contributors. I could extrapolate this to other elected officials and come to the same conclusion.  Members of Congress, both Republicans, and Democrats, are working for Big Oil, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and Wall Street. They are NOT representing their constituents.

We all want a government-run for and by us not by those listed above. I might owe a big apology for my outrage against Trump voters.  It's now glaringly apparent that they mistakenly voted for him because they wanted someone to represent them, and not a career politician tied to Wall Street, etc.  I get it.  However, Trump has lined his cabinet with Wall Street and Big Oil people and has given the military carte blanche to decide who, when, and what we will be attacking.  So, any hope that things will be different is an illusion.  And we would have had the same situation with Hillary.

The solution is simple and complex at the same time.  We need to overhaul campaign financing by making it public.  Governmental outsourcing has to be converted to 'insourcing' to remove the capability of contractors to influence continued military interventions.  We need a tax policy that favors exporting manufactured goods over exporting investment capital.  We need term limits for our elected officials.  We need to vote out every.single.member.of.Congress (both parties)as soon as their term ends.

To quote Mr. Lofgren, "The twin idols of national security and corporate power are outworn dogmas that have nothing more to offer us."

We need to take back our country.


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