GEEZER DATING---The So-Called Entrepreneur

After an almost 20-month hiatus, I've returned to online dating. (My other dating-related blogs on this site are from several years ago.) 

I did online dating periodically in South Florida and for 6 months in Seattle. It's a combination of curiosity and wanting to enjoy the company of someone of the opposite sex.

I knew the Hill Country of Texas would drastically differ from the other two places. Still, I only realized the meaning of 'drastic 'in my first two dinners.

I admit it. I'm a liberal and proud of it. Always have been and always will be. However, Texas is full of ultra-conservative/religious right (evangelical) people who voted for Trump, especially those living away from the large cities. Since I live in a rural area, I made it clear that if they were a Trump supporter, to not contact me, as our core values would not be compatible. I've never had to make such a statement in the past, as conservatives of days gone by were people with whom you could actually have an intelligent conversation. Several of my exes are Republicans. Thankfully, they were wise enough to realize Trump was a con artist and did not vote for him.

So, it's with this caveat that I created my online profile. I've had very little response. But more importantly, the men I've seen on the site are not people of interest to me. Some have long scraggly beards. Some need to be more literate. Some post countless pictures of their motorcycle or of a fish they caught. Some have bad teeth. Most of them smoke. Only one or two out of fifty men living somewhat close define themselves as liberals. Again, they don't have to be liberals but must have critical thinking skills.

And all these men mentioned above are primarily interested in attractive and height/weight proportionate women. They rarely mention internal qualities. I would discover on my first date with a man 9 years older than me that they wanted someone with a perfect body. They certainly don't want a 'libtard.' I sometimes wish I were perfect in mind and body, but I mostly fall short. Besides, I am SIXTY-SEVEN. What you see is what you get.

One potential suitor contacted me fairly quickly and wanted to meet within a few days. I asked him on the phone if he were a Trump supporter. He refused to answer and said that we should not discuss politics. Fair enough.

And we did. He described himself as an entrepreneur. According to him, he retired from a very successful career. Before going into business for himself, he was a hospital administrator, which we have in common. He was appropriately dressed, conversed intelligently, and had nice teeth. We had drinks and a nice dinner, along with a lively conversation.

When the conversation began to slow, he asked me what I thought about possibly seeing each other again. I told him I'd like to see him again, as I found him interesting. When I turned the question to him, he looked me up and down and said, "Well, you're a little overweight, but I guess that's more to love. My deceased wife was slim, so that's what I'm used to." I thanked him for his honesty but was slightly offended upon reflection. I told him that I was in the process of losing the extra 20 pounds, but I have varied in my weight all my life, and it isn't 'who' I am. Furthermore, I'll have the weight off by November, and he'll be a distant memory. I wanted to say, "WHO the hell do you think you are? You're on the verge of being a little, shriveled-up man who will continue to wither. probably support Trump. Meanwhile, my appearance will improve, and you will have missed a great opportunity." I restrained myself and just smiled like a good girl. We may be fortunate that we won't see each other again. My thoughts about him were a little on the dark side, but hey, he started it!

Something tells me that in the future, having drinks or dinner with someone of the opposite sex is not going to happen. I'll always have my imaginary husband, though. He is perfect. 👍


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